Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm here to make you think. I'm not here to ruin your life.

My client list consist of all types of people and I love it. Some are thinkers, while some are regurgitaters. Some are leaders, while some are followers. That being said, I have one that is a die hard Christian, but has no world view whatsoever. She doesn't realize that there were MANY other cultures and religions prior to what we call Christianity.

While we were talking on day, she went in for the kill with me with what she thought was a MAJOR point. She said with much confidence and conviction, "Well Jesus said something that NOBODY else in history every said." I literally moved to the edge of my seat. I really believed that she was about to change my entire life with whatever this mysterious thing was. What did he say? "He said that he is the son of God." *whomp whomp whomp* Man I was so disappointed. I am ever the learner and always am listening for something that I didn't know before. I told her, "Um, no. Not so much. There are like at least 25 historical/religious figures that claim, not only that, but they also claim many of the other things that set him apart from mere mortals." She was stunned. "WHAT? Are you serious?" When I told her that I was indeed serious and that this information could be easily found, she looked deflated and defeated.

I felt really bad. I didn't tell her the truth to ruin her life. I just didn't want her to continue to believe a lie. Although she went on to her next point, I could see that her mind was still trying to process what I'd just said. I felt bad, because I remember that feeling. The feeling of wanting to undo what I just heard and the eventual feeling of holding on to my belief just because I was scared of hell. I personally don't care what people believe if it makes them better, but I do believe that we should know the truth. Afterall, John 8:32.

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