Friday, August 31, 2012

Truth is Slippery Slope

I met a beautiful soul yesterday. She came for a consultation about her hair, but of course that meandered into other topics. We discussed ways for her to improve her health and lose weight so that she could fit in the wedding dress of her dreams and help her husband-to-be to get on a healthier path. Then we got on one of my favorite topics.

She told me that she had recently been told by her very devoutly Christian fiance that Christmas didn't really have anything to do with Christ, showed her the scripture that speaks against having an "adorned" tree, and also told her of the "Pagan" roots of most Christian holidays. I sat almost having to physically hold myself down, because I love when people start down these types of paths. I know that if they continue that their may be tears, disappointment, and anger but at the end of it there will be a true salvation and awakening. I decided to just stay on the topic that she brought up as not to push to hard or fast. Then she said it! She said, "I just think that my pastor should have taught on this! We don't celebrate holidays at our church, but I think people need to know why. They need to teach us the truth!" Trying to hold my excitement, I calmly explained about truth being a slippery slope in this instance. Most people don't go to church to hear the truth. They go to be soothed from some painful something that has taken over their lives. Why do I say this? Simple. I say this because if you want to study the truth you will look any and everywhere for it, you won't limit yourself to one book, and you will seek it no matter what the cost. I explained that if her pastor started to give them whole truths, then they would start to seek and think, if they started to seek and think, they may realize that much of what they do is solely for the maintenance of the Pastoral lifestyle and based in fear rather than being for the love of God. They may also find that patriarchal beliefs tend to based in fear and control and thus will only take you so far, because to do anything beyond that will debase all that keeps you bound. I so wanted to get into a deep conversation with her, but I didn't want to freak her out, so I'll save that conversation for my cipher sistas and our wine. Instead I nonchalantly added the book Pagan Christianity to her book list.

When she was leaving I told her that I was excited about her path no matter where it takes her. I so enjoyed her company and am so happy that she was excited about all she left equipped to do. I can't wait to hear from her. You don't have to change the world, just love from the love you've been given and teach from what you have learned.

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