Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Police

I was driving down the road the other day and realized in a very strong way that the police DO NOT make me feel safe at all. I knew this in a conscious-raise-your fist-power-to-the-people-the-police-are-the-biggest-gang-in-Amerikkka kind of way, but I don't think it was REAL to me.

I was driving with the windows down, breeze blowing through the car which was loaded down with children. I was enjoying the day and totally care free until I saw the white and blue car pull in behind me. Suddenly, I'm thinking of every reason he could create to stop me. I thought of how no matter what I said in a court of law, it wouldn't mean anything if he spoke to the contrary. I thought of the fact that he could shoot me dead in front of everybody on E. WT Harris Blvd and my death probably wouldn't even make the news. My heart raced. I fought the feelings of fear that caused me to sweat. I realized then, that they are the klan in blue polyester. I realized that they no longer needed to hide their faces because they whiled do much power. I realized that even the ones that look like me are just the modern day version of the snitches that told about the revolts before they could happen. The difference is that back then we would have killed them

If this institution causes this much fear in me, why would I tell my children to trust them? Why would I call them to my house for a dispute? Why would I trust them to inform me of the law when they arrest people for laws they create on the spot? Secretly, I cheer for the misinform warriors who gun them down for being in their hood at the wrong time of night. I daydream of training and teaching them to revolt with a purpose. We have been taught to mourn their deaths while ignoring the deaths they cause.

It's 2011 and that blue uniform provokes the same fear that those white sheets and white did for my ancestors...that is until they learned how to fight back...

Please take a look at this link

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