Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What do I believe so far?

  1. I believe there is a higher being that created all this stuff we see and don't see and the stuff we know about and don't know about.
  2. I believe that either the being is asexual or is represented in both the male and female and thus represents the balance that we see all around us.
  3. Although I was raised a Christian I no longer believe that Christianity is an original belief and know that it was plagiarized from ancient Kemetian beliefs.
  4. I don't believe that religions should be advertised as historical truths if they are not able to be proven with the same standards that all other history is proven.
  5. I don't believe that spirituality has to fit into a particular religion.
  6. Religions can bring either comfort or conflict or both.
  7. I don't think that people should practice religions that don't adequately reflect who they are (ie female, African, etc.)
  8. I don't believe that you can experience the creator through the eyes of another. 
  9. I believe that we are divinely connected, because we are divinely created.
  10. I believe that a knowledge an appreciation for nature is a very necessary part of understanding the Creator. 
  11. Any religion the claims to know the Creator, but doesn't teach it's followers to take care of their bodies and the earth is false or at the very least disconnected.

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