Friday, April 1, 2011

How to begin our

This story begins in the grocery store. I went major food shopping this morning about 8am. Of course that means that I was in the crowd with those that are grabbing snacks for work and only one register was open. As I filled the belt with all my goodies and sale items I noticed a sista walk up with one item. "Go ahead Sis." "You sure?" I nodded. "Oh, thank you so much." "You're welcome." (insert I-love-you-and-feel-your-heart smile here) I kept loading and noticed a sista in scrubs with a couple of items. So, the first conversation repeated itself. Why did I do that? Didn't I have things to do? Sure. I'm a homeschooin-jewelry making-natural hair carin'-wife-mama. I always have something to do. What's the difference then? I feel that it's my duty to make my people feel loved in whatever ways I can.

You see too often we treat each other with subtle hate and scorn. A lil eye roll here, a lil head to toe glare there. All of these things have a cummulative effect. I've often been accused of believing that I could "save the world". I know now that I can't save the world. I mean, I am a lot of woman, but not that much woman...yet. I do know, however, that I am suppose to heal all the hearts I can while I'm here even if it means that I get hurt, disappointed, or used periodically. Yes, I love my people that much.

What about my white brothers and sisters? I've been asked this a time or two. To be honest, I just ain't even there yet. I don't see the point in extending myself in the same way. The investment is not the same and the return certainly has NEVER proven to be the same to this southern girl. Even on a world scale at any chosen point in history the track record just doesn't look too good. Remember what happened the last time we tried to teach and heal the Eurpean with love? Remember what happened the last time the Native American tried to teach and heal the European with love? Remember what happened the last time the Asian tried to teach and heal the European with love? Um...yea, didn't go so well and for most of us and it still isn't going to well. I'll leave that meanding in the "you show me and I'll believe it" category.

Anyhoo, just thought I'd share. Some other things I suggest are. Leaving your change for the Sista behind you with all them kids. Off the buy a child a piece of tasty fruit with the mother/father's permission. When you are at these festivals this spring/summer and have extra tickets left over, find a single mother to give them to. Find a cypher to give your gently used hand-me-downs to and make sure they understand the pay-it-forward concept.

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