Sunday, March 27, 2011

Africans/Blacks and Spirituality

Chief on Race, Ifa, Christianity, and Origins

America, the melting pot...

I was talking to someone the other day and they referred to America as a melting pot. I've heard people say it before, but this time it was like nails on a chalk board. I let the comment pass because I couldn't quite put my finger on what the problem was. Why did this comment rub me the wrong way?

American tries to force us into being a melting pot when we should be more like a salad. You see, in a melting pot everything loses it's individual identity. You can't tell one thing from the other. Some would probably argue that that's the way it should be while holding hands and singing Kumba ya. Well, I disagree. If we were in a country where everyone was appreciated culturally and not forced to fit into the white washed ideal we have here in America I would consider that argument. In America, being a part of a melting pot has meant, for most people of color/culture, that we must let go of who we are and become Europeanized. While we are becoming Europeanized we stand by and watch Europeans use those things that we were told to let go of. For example. I went to visit two cemeteries where I live. One has always been where white folks were buried and the other was where black folks were buried. In our cemetery, you see crosses, Jesus, angels, scriptures, etc. In the white folks cemeteries you see tombs and obelisks. Wait, but y'all taught us that obelisks were pagan. I ain't gone get into all that. The point being I'm not cool with the melting pot idea, because the Europeanized powers that be are the ones stirring the pot. I'm cool with the salad idea because I think there is beauty in mixing when retaining ones own identity and living in harmony with the others.

Just my 2 cents...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Uncle Tom & Aunt Thomasina are dead...

So, yesterday all hell literally broke loose. It wasn't the devil either. It was people. I cried rivers of salt water and blood that intermingled on my pillow. It felt like the end of my world. I couldn't see or feel the light that my Mama told me was there. I couldn't figure out what good could possibly come of this.

Well, after a sleepless night and synchronized tossing and turn between my husband and I good has come of it. I realized that I still had some Uncle Tom and Aunt Thomasina in me. I let someone in that I shouldn't have because of implied authority and white privilege. That won't happen ever again. NEVER!!! Now that I look at it, I give thanks because I am learning what it is to be in warrior mode. I've never felt this way that I recall. My husband and I have been plotting and planning to do what we have to do. We are rebuilding our circle and making it tighter and smaller. I am building, planning, and executing. I am loving this part of myself. I feel so balanced right now. I love Omilade, I love Iya, and I love me.

F.T.P Street Codes

I found this on I've read it before, but it just became relevent today. Maybe it will be relevent to you too. If not now, maybe later. Also, please go check out the blog because there is a lot to be gleaned there.


1. NO SNITCHING The Police, Capitalism, the State, etc. are an enemy to the people and to work with them is criminal, Ancestral Treason! Loose lips sink ships, snitching is unforgivable.

2. NO RAPE To Rape is a violation of a person’s physical, mental and spirit. It is Barbaric and anti-African. Rapist should be dealt with.

3. BANG FOR UHURU (FREEDOM) Warriors can only be initiated by an enemy. If you are going to bang; bang on the system, not on other Africans.

4. NO EXPLOITATION Don't exploit your people. You live in the hood, they live in the hood and chances are they don't have anything more than you do. We have enough community leaches and pork chop preachers robbing the people.

5. WARRIOR CODE Security first! Protect Women, Children & Elders. Train; work out, get your fighting skills up to par. Police your own community. We don't need pigs overseeing us.

6. NO FALSE FLAGGIN' Red, white, and blue ain't never did shit for you. Don't be a star-spangled slave. Get on the right team; rally round the flag on some Red, Black and Green.

7. DISCIPLINE Get your mind right, focus and organize your life. Be committed.

8. BUILD SURVIVAL PROGRAMS The People come first. You are your Brother/Sisters keeper. Capitalism teaches individualism, which is anti-African. We have to create programs that are for the best interest of the people (especially Food, Clothing and Shelter).

9. P.E. (POLITICAL EDUCATION) EACH 1, TEACH 1! It is important for African People to have knowledge of self. We have to be able to articulate why we are in the conditions we are in, who put us in these conditions and how can we get out of these conditions.

10. YOUR WORD IS BOND (DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR) Warriors are only as good as their words. Make your word your bond!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Troubling times foretold...

Most of the major religions have foretold of these turbulent times we are experiencing. The difference is that most don't understand that this is something that has happened before and will probably happen again. There is no need to having a pissing contest about who is right and who's scriptures said it first. Some religions focus on words spoken or written hundreds or thousands of years ago. Some cultures that use divination that prophesied this year that there was going to be major trouble.

The two that I know for sure were Ifa and Native American priest. I'm sure that seers all over the world have spoken of this. If you look at world history, God always makes sure that everybody has access to the things that need to be shared via seers, prophets, and priest. At the end of the day, does it matter who said it first, last, or most accurately? No. The fact is that we're here, it's true, and we need to prepare. There is no need of taking on a slavery mentality and wait to die. Do what you can while you can. What can you do? What will you do? Have you even thought seriously about this? I have and am.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I need to connect...

Okay so, I'm sure I've whined about this before. I am an extrovert in the purest sense of the word. I thrive on being around people. That's how I connect to new things, through the energy of other people. I have learned A LOT about this path. Well, I guess it would be more appropriate to say that I've learn a lot MORE than what I knew before with my first go round. While I didn't get a lot of the lessons the first time around, I got to feed from the energies because I was assisting a Babalawo. I didn't know a lot on paper, but what I have now come to know as my Ori, was on point. I am so ready to go see Iya, participate in whatever we gone be doing, hear the drums, dance, sing, and eat!!! Well, idk about being excited about the eating because I don't eat meat and am going vegan as we speak.

I love going to the river and pouring honey. I love pouring palm oil to the wind. I love talking to and feeding Egun. This path, however, is a communal one. Everything in balance. We need the spirit realm, but the spirit realm also needs us. Various energies feed off one another, just like we feed off each others energies. I don't know how people call themselves just walking this journey alone without godparents, godbrothers/sisters, and community. I know some people like me don't have anyone close, but my spirit wants to be close to my Godmother to learn and grow.

Gas up the truck. I need to connect.

Monday, March 14, 2011

I'd like to re-introduce myself...

Just came over here to express my excitement. My husband and I now have our Ifa names!!! Yay!!! Mine is Ifasayo and his is Olamide!!! So excited! Haven't received our Hand of Ifa yet, but that will be happening very soon! I am very excited and am finally able to embrace this path without sweating every time something new is presented to me. I still have random sweating out breaks due to nerves, but I'm getting much better. Step by step by step...

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pride and love

Last week a client called me and asked me if she could treat me to a pedicure. I refused as my mind was flooded with feelings of guilt. I mean, she's not rich. She has her own financial issues and responsibilities. I mean, my feet look like "who done it and why". I told her to let me think about it and try to get over myself. I just couldn't do it. Pride.

Yesterday I was in the grocery store. Everybody and their Mama decided to go to the store at the exact moment I did. They store was short staffed and cashiers were having technical difficulties. As I stood in line I began to talk to an elder couple in front of me that I'd seen flirting with each other earlier. We exchanged ideas about how the store could be run more efficiently, dinner plans, and past jobs. When the checked out, they seemed to kind of wait around to tell me goodbye. I expressed how I'd really enjoyed talking to them. I leaned over to the woman and whispered playfully how I loved her earrings and needed them in my life. I smiled and walked away. She caught up to me removing her earrings and telling me I could have them. At first I refused, because receiving is not my strong point. She repeated the offer with a warm look that made me think of my own mother. I hugged her in gratitude like I'd known her forever.

I love giving and I realised that it is my own pride that keeps me from receiving and keeps others from feeling the joy I feel when I give freely. I don't know when this behavior started, but I know that it was exacerbated by the martyr-like attitude of the church. You learn to totally sacrifice yourself on the altar giving everything away in the name of God while never learning to preserve yourself. I am learning daily to love myself and receive love. I am learning not to push love away. Love doesn't make you feel guilty, pride does. The two are often and strangely least they were in my mind. This post doesn't really have a clear cut point. I just wanted to share this very pivotal leg of my journey to Ifa and to my highest self.