The Old Slave Mart Museum can be found at 6 Chalmer Street, Charleston, SC. It is a small building with two floor and is PACKED with information. There are no pictures or cell phones allowed, but you know I had to snap one picture. I could've gotten more, but I didn't want to be all they way wrong. lol The cost was only $7 and was worth so much more. Oh, and btw they also had an elevator for my husband to use which was great! We walked around and read all that we could in an hour, because we had to part by one of those meters which limited our time. The visit was going great. There was a Caucasian man and woman that were exiting right when we came upstairs. He was remarking about how the exhibits made him feel really sad. When he went down stairs the lady at the desk went into straight Mammie mode. Here are some of the things said said in list form.
- You shouldn't feel sad, you didn't own any slaves.
- There are people being abused all over the world and you don't feel sad about that, so why feel sad about this?
- You knew I was black when you walked in didn't you?
- Your family might not have even owned slaved.
- You shouldn't feel bad about things that happened so long ago.
By now my husband and I are fuming. We are ready to leave, but want to finish reading despite of her shameless House Negro-ness. After that she apparently was having a disagreement with her significant other. My husband and I decided that she didn't know that we could hear her upstairs. We also decided that she should read the information on the walls through the lens of critical thought in conjunction with a list of books, articles, and a couple of youtube vids for good measure. It's good that the man was able to feel sad. I'm glad he felt anything at all. She should have minded her business and allowed him to work through his feelings. This would have allowed him some much needed self examination which we ALL need to do on a regular basis. She needs to be taken from the house and put in the field...
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