Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Blood Never Loses It's Power...

I was listening to T.D. Jakes as he was preparing to pray for Eddie Long's situation and it struck me for the first time how dependent the Christian religion is on the idea of the blood. He was pleading the blood, asking to be covered in the blood, miming as if he were covering himself in blood etc. Now, I grew up in church and I remember a lot of talk about the blood of Jesus and even sometimes they might talk about the sacrificial animals used by the "Old Testament" Jews. They were always very careful to make a point to remind you that Jesus was the perfect sacrificial lamb so that no more blood needed to be spilled.

In my former brush with Ifa culture I witness my first animal sacrifices. The first one caught me a little off guard because it was one of the chickens that I had cared for every morning. By the time I saw other chickens, goats, turtles, etc. it seemed normal. It was done with such love and respect. It was as if the animals completely understood that they were giving themselves so that we could continue to be.

I returned to the church and although I was at the same church that I had grown up in, everything seemed different. I saw things from a different angle, although I didn't understand much of it. The main thing that I understood in a different light was communion. During communion what is said is that the juice represents the blood spilled by Christ on the cross. Well, before seeing the animals sacrificed I had never seen anything bleed and die for me. Communion was different for me. I took it seriously. I cried. I mourned. I repented. I gave thanks.

When I heard the story of Cain and Abel and how Abel's blood cried from the ground when he had been killed it sounded different to me. I had never thought about the ase having the power to speak for us. The ase of our ancestors still speaks and cries out from the grown, trees, oceans, and hands of those that slaughtered us. That blood still has power because those that it spilled from understood the power that it held. They knew that it would continue to speak for them, scream for them, cry for them, and fight for them. They knew.

Since beginning, in earnest, on this path (again), I understand that the blood never looses it's power or ase. If ase is spilled there is power there. That is why even Christians are able to pull on the residue left behind by their sacrificial lamb and see results, even if only a shadow of what the results should be. Blood has been and still is, though denied by many, a main source of power or ase. It is our life force. All that you are in contained in your blood. Ase Ase Ase O

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Egun ati Master Cleanse

Yesterday a client of mine brought me some fresh field peas from her father's garden. I was so excited. I just kept thinking about what I was going to do with them and how I was going to make a one bowl meal and eat them for all three meals on the first day I can eat whatever I want.

Well, this morning as I was juicing for my "lemonade" I heard, "we want some field peas". Okay, I stopped juicing and put the field peas on. Went back to juicing. "We like green beans in our peas." Okay, I added that. Went back to juicing. "We'd also like a little rice." Put that on and went back to juicing. When it finished cooking I put it all on the white plates that belonged to my grandmother and created a lovely presentation as a drooled over food that I couldn't not have. See most times "We" eat together. I was a little irritated, but heard Iya say, "It ain't 'bout chu baby." I put my iwa pele 3 piece suit on and graciously and humbly took the food to my appreciative egun.

They have gone without food for longer than my little 10 days, so who am I to act like a spoiled brat. I give thanks for them even speaking to me and finding me worthy to serve them at all. Iba se Egun!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Quotations from Inner Peace Chapter1

Quotations from Chapter 1 of Inner Peace
There was a lot in this chapter so I have three quotes and that less than what I wanted, but I didn’t want to torture myself or others with writing too much. This chapter is one that evoked conversation with both my daughter and husband. The focus for me was ibi, ire, s’otito.
“The smooth assimilation of the lesson from divination is called ire. The resistance to the lesson is called ibi. In Yoruba the word ibi means afterbirth. Holding on the placenta after delivery is fatal.” Pg31 Ch1 Inner Peace
When I gave birth to my children I had pain as all mothers do, but it was erased when I was holding those beautiful babies. What I didn’t realize the first time around was that the nurse would return to inflict further pain by pressing on my stomach. I was asking her why she was doing that. What was wrong with this woman? Didn’t she see what I’d just been through? Yes, she’d seen it, but she knew something that I didn’t. It was her job to make sure that the placenta was totally out of my womb. If she hadn’t done her job I may have gotten sick and/or died. You see, the placenta is the connection between mother and child and is literally life sustaining as long as the child is in the womb, but as soon as the child is birthed and the cord is cut, it no longer serves a purpose. It immediately goes from life sustaining to life threatening in the blink of an eye. What I got from this quote is that no matter how vital something is at a point in your life, once its purpose has been fulfilled it immediately turns life threatening.
One of the tools used to break the bonds of ibi is humility. From an Ifa perspective humility is the ability to consider another point of view and to make no assumptions about that point of view until it can be tested through experience.” pg37 Ch1 Inner Peace
Humility is most times a difficult lesson in most cultures and on most paths. You will see lessons on humility in every religion around the world because in many ways it seems to repeatedly oppose our nature to, in our weakness, lean to dogma when deeper or more difficult paths/messages/lessons escape us. I appreciate the psychology in this quote because it makes it much easier to understand. If I could take a judgment that I have about someone or something and place it in the middle of the floor, I could walk around it and see all the different sides of it. This method is the ideal. Most times, however, we choose to see things only through our one sided reality and our previous experiences not realizing how limited our scope of reality truly is. There so many experiences that makes up a person that it is impossible, not to mention damaging, to the person being judged and the person doing the judging to see things from only one view point. There is not enough room for dogma and humility to travel the same road together.
“Ifa culture trains the younger generation in s’otito (state only the facts) through the use of a strict taboo against gossip.” pg 39 Ch1 Inner Peace
The other day my egun reminded me that the book of James in the Bible basically states that if you can tame your tongue you will have control of your whole body. This is so very true. The above quote speaks of just stating the facts and if most are honest this can be very hard to do. From childhood we learn to “embellish” (lie) whether it be for entertainment or to save ourselves from punishment. When we stick to just the facts there can be an element of fear involved because it will adversely affect both us and the people around us in the beginning. You will quickly find out who loves you and who doesn’t when you start to state only the facts. It may be hard but it is good medicine.
As far as the gossip in and of itself, don’t say anything that you can’t say twice or that you wouldn’t say if the person were standing right in front of you. Also, don’t do like some church folk do and talk about somebody and claim that you are only bringing it up so that y’all can “pray about the situation”. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Inner Peace Introduction

Quotations from Introduction to Inner Peace

I am so deeply and passionately in love with this book. It is a really easy read, but it digs at the deeper places in your soul so it requires more than one read. The pictures painted in this book really connected with me and pulled at me as it relates to our dependence on nature. The interesting this in that it helped me to have a different understanding of Spirit in nature. I realize now that they are one in the same. There is a vibration or a piece of Spirit in everything. Spirit even dwells in those things that we would refer to as inanimate objects such as the rocks the Iya Osun smoothes over with her waters or the sand that has be crushed and carried by Olokun and Yemoja. I feel much more connected to nature, because I now that I depend on it.
This book also spoke to me in other ways, but in two major ways that affect me directly. The concept of the Elenini is one that I had never considered before this book and it has been life changing as it has removed all my punk excuses. The book also removed my judgments of people not “doing Ifa correctly”. This was really important because my husband and I are under the tutelage of different teachers.
“Resistance to change is the source of what Ifa calls Elenini, or self-generated demons that have no existence outside of our imaginations.” pg 19 Introduction, Inner Peace
My Elenini were few in number but strong and determine to stay. Growing up in church I am familiar with the idea of demons or spirits riding or attaching themselves to you. People would pray for your deliverance and by the end many times you would end up looking like a greased pig at the county fair, but with little or no result. I have put money on altars, anointed myself, been anointed, told that this trinket or that trinket would help, called on Jesus and tarried until sunrise and all to no avail. What was wrong? Why didn’t it work? If you look at the way the issue was handled I was in a very helpless passive position.
Ifa does not expect us to be passive. These Elenini are my little bastard demon children. I am the only one that can get rid of them. They are totally under my control. Although I must admit, it’s hard to get rid of things that you are accustomed to even if those things are harmful. My oldest and strongest Elenini was fear. Every time I was asked to do something outside of my realm of comfort I would shake, sweat, and sometimes even cry. I would seize and be unable to think clearly. I have only been made aware of the severity of it sense beginning this path of Ifa. Why? I think that it is more obvious because Elenini know Ifa and they know me so they more aware of their impending destruction.
I realize that Elenini will try to return and even more may be revealed or created, but know I know the source and what to do. I am know equipped with the tools and the knowledge to handle them before they get too established. I am able to change the course of my family by teaching my children to take responsibility for issues that they have created for themselves. I am in control and that knowledge is a step toward change.

“The result is that no two Ifa communities look the same…” pg20 Introduction, Inner Peace
This was very important for me to learn because my husband and I in official terms have two different teachers that teach in two different ways. In the beginning I kept feeling like he was doing things the wrong way or out of order etc. Now I know that things will sometimes look different. That is fine because Ifa gives to each community, lineage, and individual what they need. I believe that in total wisdom knows that what we need will not always be the same just as we are not the same. That is what makes this walk so beautiful. It is individual and collective at the same time.

Monday, September 13, 2010


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3



Part 6

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Ofo ase and Ancestors

Well, I have officially learned the power of ofo ase and not letting every ancestor in your space.

So I've had my ancestor shrine set up for a while and we been chilling and talking and such. Well, recently my husband started to lightly communicate with some of his folks. All of a sudden he starts to have unexplainable feelings of anger. I wasn't feeling anything. I decided to cleanse the space and was having a rather difficult time so I knew that somebody didn't want to go and was resisting. After I was done I spent the rest of the evening reading and studying. We made a wine run and he expressed to me that he didn't feel that the room was cleansed. When we got back, I talked to my folks again and found out that somebody that he'd been talking to wasn't a person of iwa pele. I couldn't really talk to him right then because he was still being affected. His sleeping was restless and everything, but I was fine.

This morning we continued to talk about it, and when I felt it was a good time I began to tell him about what I learned about elenini and ofo ase from Ajoke. We sorted through the two choices and decided that a person that he talked to hadn't been someone that he wanted around because of the anger they had when they were on this plane. I asked him had he told them that they weren't welcome and had to go. He said no he hadn't. As soon as he did they left and life has been sweet ever since.

I guessed that the reason I couldn't get rid of them was because they weren't my folks, I hadn't invited them, and/or maybe because I'm a beginner. Either way. Nothing happened until Titus invoked ofo ase. I am so proud of Titus. I am so happy that I was able to pass what I have learned on to him. I am happy to be a part of something that I can see the results. I love that I am learning to have what I was supposed to have all along--dominion.

Now had it been elenini it would have been a situation of having to get rid of a self created issue. This is not something that you can blame on a spirit or anything external. They are your fault. They are your creation. They are the love children of your irresponsibility and denial. Only you can rid yourself of them.

I have learned a lot in a short time and am more excited each day because Spirit constantly manifests.  Constantly wants to communicate with you. I give thanks. Who knew that life could be this way?

*to the tune of yes Jesus loves me*
Egun love me this I know.
For Ajoke told me so.
All of us to them belong.
Because of them we are made strong.

Yes Egun love me!
Yes Egun love me!
Yes Egun love me!
'Cause Ajoke told me so!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Egun shrine, Master Key, Inner Peace! OH MY!!! and a bonus...

Egun Shrine
Can I just say that I have never felt so connected in all my life? I love tending my shrine. I love communicating with my egun. For example, the other morning I was cooking eggs and toast for my children. I made some scrambled eggs (no salt), dry toast, and coffee for my egun. I sat it on my shrine feeling quite pleased with myself and excited to be doing something different with them. Later I went to hang out with them at the shrine and just as clearly I heard somebody say, "I like honey on my toast". I just laughed. How do I know it wasn't me? Because I don't even really like honey. I will mix it with peanut butter, but I don't even like it in tea or anything. I drizzled the honey and they seem to have been pleased. They will sometimes even tell me scriptures to read. I still have to purchase a Quran for the Muslims in the family (Fulani Cameroon) so that I can read to them too. My uncle also told me that he wants a puzzle. He LOVED puzzles and I forgot all about it until he asked for it. I need to add the Choctaw people to the mix of folks represented. I still have a really hard time acknowledging my father's side of the family. Long story for another day. I just have to remember that they are not as they were.

Master Key System
What can I say about this? I am reading part one and it is tedious, but has some really good information. This is going to teach me to quiet my mind so that I can meditate and hopefully trance and vision more readily. I have never been able to sit and still my mind. I want to be able to hear and respond appropriately to Spirit where ever I am. Part three looks much more interesting and I look forward to prepping myself for it. I'll be able to levitate by the end of it. lol

Inner Peace
OMG! Can you say LOVE IT? I love this book and I am only on the introduction! I love it! If I weren't married already I would marry it. It just makes things so understandable and helps you to know that where you are is where you are supposed to be like Ajoke told me a long time ago. I didn't believe her wholeheartedly, but I do now. Sssshhh, don't tell her that she was right all along as usual. lol I can't wait to really get into this book! I am so excited!

10 reasons I love Ifa Culture

  1. The only thing that cannot be changed is the date of your birth and the date of your death. I love that because it gives me some type of control over my life and responsibility. I actually have choices.
  2. Egun worship is foundational. I love the fact that we are EXPECTED to worship, venerate, respect, acknowledge, and connect with those that came before us in our bloodline both known and unknown. Beautiful thang people. It's a beautiful thang. 
  3. Balance. I love the fact that where there is male there is female and where there is female there is also male. None is above the other and both are acknowledged equally. Unlike the system I was raised in, female energy is held in as high regard as male energy. I must admit this has been difficult for me as I am accustomed to be being second class, but I'm movin' on up. lol
  4. Culture. I love that this is a culture rather than a religion. This is something that I think of in my every action and behavior. I acknowledge different aspects of this culture when I drive through an intersection, pass a cemetery or a river, walk a path in the woods or go off the beaten trail, or even drive over RR tracks. I love it!
  5. You are allowed to have a show me attitude. You are not expected to just say that everything that does happen was because of your faith or everything failed because of your lack of faith. This was really easy for me to transition to. I hated when the church would pray for my husband repeatedly to get out of the wheelchair and it would never happen. They even went so far as to announce that it would happen by that next Sunday and of course it didn't. It caused so many of the youth to lose faith because imho either the preacher lied or God did because they said that God said he was going to walk in that next Sunday and it didn't happen. 
  6. Each one teach one. When I tell you that I am surrounded by people with this attitude I mean it! Everybody is such a willing teacher as far as my experience so far. I know that everybody in this culture isn't going to be that way and I'm not going to fool myself, but I have a wonderful circle of Sistas. Lessons are valued based on effectiveness not titles. We are all able to learn from one another and it is beautiful. If you mess with any of them I'll kick your ass! This takes me to my next point...
  7. Iwa pele. Gentle character. Good character. I'll still kick your ass, but only with good reason and then I will reflect on how we came to the point of physical conflict to help you to avoid pissing me off the next time. Seriously, it is the core of the culture. I even look at as meaning wise character. Ifalola taught me this lesson early on. It was a hard on too, because I have pitbull tendencies. I am extremely loyal, but DO NOT CROSS ME! *whoooooosaaaaaaa*
  8. Connection with nature. All the orisa are forces of nature. You can't disrespect nature without disrespecting them. If you take a flower, you leave an offering. That has made me think before I just go snatching flowers and such from their homes. Everything has a purpose and there is a price to pay for removing a specimen from it's home and purpose. We love to go to the creek and Mari used to get rocks. Well, now we know that we should offer something to Iya Osun, ask permission, and make an offering if we are allowed to remove it.
  9. From birth. This culture on the continent starts from the literal moment we return to this plane. It tells me that this is for ALL ages. There is no children's church etc. to separate the children from the rest of the community. From the very beginning they are taught this culture, not by worksheets and such, but by living it out hands on with everyone in the community.
  10. Children are blessings and not burdens. I have to be honest. This is one that I am still working on. I have spent a lot of time speaking that children, mine included, are burdensome. It was just they way I learned from what I saw and or heard at different points (not from my Mama). It didn't help that I was a single parent for quite a while. Maybe that was just a self fulfilling prophecy. Idk. Either way I am relearning this beautiful lesson. My children are blessings indeed and for all I know I maybe born again as their grandchild. :)